Focus Nature-Friendly Leaders Program
Shaping Tomorrow’s Sustainable Changemakers!
“Young people – they care.
They know that this is the world that they’re going to grow up in, that they’re going to spend the rest of their lives in. But, I think it’s more idealistic than that.
They actually believe that humanity, human species, has no right to destroy and
despoil regardless.”

With a genuine trust in young adults, we decided to embark on a journey for creating a better future. We believe
that young adults hold the key to living in harmony with nature, protecting our planet, and better tomorrows.
In the spring of 2022, the Focus Nature-Friendly Foundation began laying its roots to guide young adults who are
sensitive to ecological, social, and economic sustainability issues in becoming successful decision-makers and influential leaders who realize their dreams. We are committed to tackling the environmental issues on the planet with our hearts, minds, and hands.
We cannot achieve our nature-friendly goals alone. We work together with a community of young adults, like-minded individuals, and organizations who care for nature, seek to collaborate with others, and are eager to take the lead to transform the world into a sustainable future by becoming change agents.

Who are Focus Nature-Friendly Leaders?
Focus Nature-Friendly
Leaders are graduates of the year-long Focus Nature-
Friendly Leaders Program. Their bond to the planet is
strong, their ecological
literacy is advanced, and
they continue to constantly
learn, think, and transform.
They internalize their
passion for saving the planet,
integrating it into their own
story and identity, and they
are able to perceive and
express their aims in an
authentic and realistic

What are Included in the program?
Focus Nature-Friendly
Leaders Program will accept
university students on full
scholarship. The program
concentrates on five main
areas: learning from nature,
designing your project,
designing collaboration,
designing your business, and
being a leader. Each field
provides complementary
value to each other and to
the individual’s holistic
development in the journey of becoming a Nature-
Friendly Focus Leader.

Who can apply?
The Focus Nature-Friendly
Leaders Program is designed
for university
students who are passionate
about nature and eager to
learn how to live in harmony
with nature, motivated to
become the change agents,
decision-makers, and
sustainability leaders, ready
to equip themselves with the
necessary competencies to
act on and take the lead to
transform the world into a
sustainable future, and
willing to focus on
sustainability in their